- How will it work if someone opens this page in an in‑app browser on another device?
- Let me know if you find an eReader with a joystick
- Phones are changing
- Four things about Apple Books that I wish I had known earlier
- Font scaling on Mobile Safari
- Reading better
- Names inspired by 1Password
- FOMO: You’re not missing out on Apple Shortcuts
- How to get better‑quality work without spending more money
- Public design systems are the new design handbooks
- Volume control of LG monitors on macOS
- 12 predictions for the next 12 years to celebrate 12 years of ShopTalk
- Time tracking
- Remarkable interaction
- Colors
- Interfaces become tools for thinking about problems
- A leg up: Ten bits I learned prototyping my designs with code
- Typography: Checklist, corpus size, Monotype & Future Fonts
- Apps I pay for on my phone
- No one ever gets talker’s block
- On onboarding developers
- Keyboard navigation in Firefox on macOS
- @2x full page screenshot in Firefox
- Design fiction
- Missing role in permission systems
- CleanShot X: What to configure to enjoy it more with apps like Slack
- Colors in LiquidText
- How to add a Google Meet video conference to Google Calendar in a different time zone